Clean Sweep


The application period for 2022 Clean Sweep grants is closed. Applicants will be contacted regarding the results of their applications and 2022 grant awards once the review and scoring process is complete.

Changes to the Clean Sweep Grant Application Timeline

Starting with 2022 Clean Sweep grant applications, the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) will be moving up the grant application period by approximately four months. The new timeline spreads the process more evenly throughout the calendar year, and we also will be able to let you know your approved allocation around July or August to help with your budgeting for the year ahead.


Grant solicitation​/application request:


​Grant review and scoring:


​Allocate and announce funding:


​Contracts out:


​Final reports from current year:

​Fall through winter

The changes above involve a shift in the application window.

Final Reports

Final reports are still due within 60 days of your Clean Sweep project completion and reimbursements will be processed within 60 days of receipt of your complete final report.

Beginning with 2021 Clean Sweep grant final reports, recipients must provide itemized invoices or receipts for all expens​es - except salaries, continue to use the labor worksheet for any salary expenses. 

​2021​ Clean Sweep Grant Recipients

Remember to complete your final report for your 2021 Clean Sweep project. Final reports must be received within 60 days of your project’s completion in order to be eligible to receive 2021​ grant funds.​​​

Program Information​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Wisconsin Clean Sweep is a grant program that provides reimbursement to communities that collect and dispose of household hazardous wastes, agricultural pesticides, and prescription drugs. Grants may be awarded to counties, towns, villages, cities, tribes, sanitary and sewerage districts, or regional planning commissions. Grants can support collecti​on and disposal of these products. Prescription drug grants can also be used to buy drop boxes.

Businesses that generate very small quantities of hazardous waste may also use these collections. Collections may be one-day events or may be year-round sites.

Some communities have collections, but do not receive Clean Sweep funding from DATCP.