Who’s Who of Rural
Wisconsin Broadband
Broadband Toolkit Modules
- Introduction
- Module 1: Broadband 101
- Module 2: Regional & Tribal Planning
- Module 3: Data Driven Decisions
- Module 4: Find Funding
- Module 5: Bridging the Digital Divide
- Module 6: Broadband and Workforce
- Module 7: Broadband and Tourism
- Module 8: Broadband Definitions
- Module 9: Who’s Who of Rural Wisconsin Broadband
Key Stakeholders in Wisconsin’s Rural Broadband Expansion
This section offers an overview of the key participants in the BEAD planning process and the essential stakeholders involved in expanding rural broadband in Wisconsin. Collectively, these stakeholders work to improve broadband access and address the digital divide in rural areas of the state.
Broadband Stakeholders Group – Originally created in the early 2010s, this group includes Wisconsin legislators, broadband providers, the Public Service Commission, and other state agencies. They meet quarterly to discuss new statewide initiatives in broadband.
Digital Equity Stakeholder Group – Formed in 2021, this open forum brings together community connectors, state and local leaders, schools, libraries, nonprofits, broadband providers, digital inclusion practitioners, and other interested individuals. The group meets monthly, primarily through virtual sessions. Its two main goals are to grow and strengthen Wisconsin’s digital inclusion ecosystem and to develop and inform the state’s Digital Equity and Inclusion Plan. For more information about the group’s work and how to get involved, please email: Alyssa.Kenney@wisconsin.gov .
The Fiber Broadband Association (FBA) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the adoption of fiber-optic broadband networks. Its mission is to promote the benefits of fiber technology, support its deployment, and advocate for policies that facilitate fiber broadband access.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is overseen by Congress and is responsible for regulating interstate and international communications conducted by radio, satellite, television, wire, and cable across all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories. Providers report to the FCC where they have coverage based on census block levels.
The National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA) is a nonprofit organization in the United States focused on promoting digital equity and inclusion. Established to bridge the digital divide, NDIA works to ensure that everyone, regardless of socioeconomic status, has access to affordable internet, digital devices, and the skills needed to use technology effectively. Their initiatives include advocating for policies that support digital inclusion, providing resources and training for community organizations, and collaborating with various stakeholders to improve digital access and literacy. NDIA aims to empower individuals and communities by reducing barriers to technology and helping to create opportunities for all to participate fully in the digital world.
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is an executive branch agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce that administers grant programs to further the deployment and use of broadband and other technologies. The agency advises the President on telecommunications and information policy and focuses on expanding broadband access, adoption, and increasing the usage of spectrum.
Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation’s Office of Rural Prosperity (ORP) fosters vibrant, prosperous, and resilient communities in Wisconsin. The office serves as a one-stop shop to help rural communities navigate information, programs, and resources that can help them thrive. One of its key strategic initiatives is to provide resources and information to expand broadband into rural Wisconsin.
The Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC) is responsible for ensuring equitable access to telecommunications and broadband services. It oversees telephone numbering, registers telecom providers, and regulates certain aspects of the provider-to-provider industry, though it does not control the rates providers charge customers. The PSC manages the State Universal Service Fund (USF) to provide funding for broadband initiatives. Within the PSC, the Wisconsin Broadband Office (WBO) aims to make high-speed internet accessible and affordable for all residents. The WBO leads statewide efforts to expand broadband access, adoption, and affordability, supports residents in obtaining internet access, manages broadband grant programs, compiles service maps, and enhances capacity through planning and outreach. The vision is for all Wisconsinites to have access to affordable broadband service and to equitably benefit from broadband technology.
UW-Extension Extension’s mission is to connect people with the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Their work forges essential connections for families, communities, businesses, non-profits, and government entities across the state. By providing the latest research, best practices, and educational opportunities, we empower local volunteers and leaders to serve as role models in their communities. Through their Community Economic Development program, they enhance local economic well-being and quality of life by supporting practitioners, organizations, tribal and governmental entities, and businesses with the information, research, education, and technical assistance they need. As an essential piece of infrastructure in the 21st century, they work to accelerate broadband access, increase adoption, improve digital literacy, and reduce digital inequities, ensuring that all communities can thrive in the digital age.
9 Region Broadband Group – A working group of nine regional partners that meets to discuss statewide broadband needs and goals. Meetings are by invitation only. For inclusion, please reach out to the North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission .
Regional Planning Organizations (RPO) coordinate and facilitate regional planning efforts across multiple jurisdictions. These organizations play a key role in addressing issues that transcend local boundaries, such as telecommunications, transportation, land use, economic development, and environmental concerns.
The Rural Utilities Service (RUS) – The United States Department of Agriculture administers loans and grants for rural broadband projects through the Rural Utilities Service (RUS). RUS supports the development and expansion of essential infrastructure, including telecommunications services, electric power, and water and waste treatment in underserved areas. These initiatives aim to enhance economic opportunities and improve the quality of life for rural residents.
Governor’s Task Force on Broadband Access – The Task Force advised the governor and the State legislature on broadband policy and actions. Strategies of the Task Force include expansion of broadband to every residence, business, and institution, digital inclusion initiatives, and optimizing the benefits of statewide broadband adoption. The Task Force is coordinated and staffed by the Wisconsin Broadband Office at the Public Service Commission.
2024 Governor’s Task Force on Broadband Access Report
2023 Governor’s Task Force on Broadband Access Report