Resource Details


AmeriCorps State and National Native Nations Planning Grants

AmeriCorps planning grants provide support to a grant recipient to develop an AmeriCorps program that will engage AmeriCorps members in implementing evidence-based interventions to solve community problems. Grant recipients are awarded up to $240,000 for a 12-month planning period and are encouraged to compete for an AmeriCorps program grant in the following grant cycle if they deem the fit with AmeriCorps to be of use to their community. A planning grant may not be used to support AmeriCorps members. Applicants will apply for a Cost Reimbursement grant. The project period is no more than a year, with a start date proposed by the applicant. The project start date may not occur prior to the date AmeriCorps awards the grant.


Eligible applicants include Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized) and Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments).

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