Resource Details


Community Development Block Grant – Emergency Assistance Program (CDBG-EAP)

CDBG funds must be used for the benefit of low – to moderate- income households/persons. Income information will need to be collected and reviewed to ensure participant eligibility.


CDBG-EAP funds may be used to address damage caused by the disaster, including: Repair of disaster related damage to the dwelling unit, including repair or replacement of plumbing, heating, and electrical systems. Acquisition and demolition of dwellings unable to be repaired. Housing Replacement - in situations where repairs would exceed 50% of the pre-event Fair Market Value Repairs to public facilities (libraries, village/town halls, wastewater treatment facilities, community and senior centers) Public Infrastructure (street repairs, sidewalks, sewer, lighting etc.) Business Assistance (replace equipment , capital to re-open)

Top Benefits

  • Helping Communities Recover From Disaster Events

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