Resource Details


Community Development Block Grant – Small Cities Housing Program

General purpose units of local government (towns, villages, and cities with populations of less than 50,000, and counties other than Dane, Milwaukee and Waukesha) are eligible to apply. Wisconsin facilitates seven regions. These regions cover all non-entitlement communities to ensure resources are available statewide. Regional allocations are based on the number of LMI households, units built prior to 1950, housing affordability, and unemployment factors of the jurisdictions joining the regions. Individual local units of government applications are awarded based on the same criteria used for the regions. Indian tribes are not eligible because there is a special Indian Block Grant Program administered directly by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.


​​The Wisconsin Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, administered by the Wisconsin Department of Administration, Division of Energy, Housing, and Community Resources (DEHCR), provides grants to general purpose units of local government for housing programs which principally benefit low to moderate income (LMI) households. These funds are primarily used for rehabilitation of housing units, homebuyer assistance, and small neighborhood public facility projects. CDBG dollars are flexible and responsive to local needs.

Top Benefits

  • Rehabilitation of dwelling units.
  • Removal of architectural barriers.
  • Homeownership opportunities for renters.
  • Payment of relocation costs and benefits.
  • Demolition or removal of buildings so site can be used for LMI housing.
  • Conversion of buildings into LMI dwelling units.
  • Acquisition of real property for the construction of LMI housing with other sources of funds.
  • Site improvements for the construction of LMI housing with other sources of funds.

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