Resource Details


Producer-Led Watershed Protection Grant Program

The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) provides funding to producer-led groups that focus on nonpoint source pollution abatement activities through the Producer-Led Watershed Protection Grant Program (PLWPG). The funds provided to the groups pay for cost share incentives on conservation practices that improve soil health and water quality, demonstration sites for innovative conservation strategies, and outreach events to reach new farmers. Collaborators, as well as DATCP staff, provide technical assistance to the groups to ensure activities meet the program goals.


To be eligible, groups must have at least five producers from within the watershed, must have a formal agreement in place with a collaborator (e.g., county land conservation committee, UW-Extension, NGO), must assist other producers in the watershed with voluntary nonpoint source abatement activities, and must contribute 50% match for all eligible costs.

Top Benefits

  • Encourages peer-to-peer learning, as farmers look to their peers first for information
  • Encourages local involvement and investment in addressing nonpoint source water pollution issues
  • Provides financial incentives that help encourage farmers to experiment with innovative conservation practices

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