Resource Details


Veterans Outreach and Recovery Program (VORP)

​​The Wisconsin Department of Veteran Affairs (WDVA) designed the ​Veterans Outreach and Recovery Program (VORP) to connect veterans to community services and provide case management and support, with a special focus on treatment and recovery.

VORP staff work with community providers and professionals to provide assistance and connection to:
Mental Health Services
Substance Use Treatment
Financial Assistance
Housing and Utilities​
Claims and Benefits Assistance
Employment and Education
And many more services

VORP funding may be available to assist with treatment.


Eligible participants are all who have served in any component of the US Armed Forces including those that have previously served and continue to serve in the National Guard and Reserve.

Top Benefits

  • Veterans are able to self-refer themselves through the
  • Includes 11 Regional Veterans Outreach and Recovery Regional Coordinators (ORRCs) located within their region, 2 supervisors based in Madison, and two clinical coordinators

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