Resource Details
Business, Start-Up & Entrepreneur
WI Bureau of Land and Water Resource Management
The Bureau of Land and Water Resources works with local governments, other state and federal agencies, and landowners to conserve soil, prevent agricultural runoff, and preserve farmland and infrastructure for future generations. The bureau's programs are far-reaching; by protecting Wisconsin's watersheds, we also protect the Great Lakes, the Mississippi River and, ultimately, the Gulf of Mexico.
To learn more about Bureau programming, visit 'More Information.'
a. Agricultural impact statements
b. ATCP 50 rule revision
c. Commercial nitrogen optimization pilot grant program
d. Conservation compliance for farmland preservation
e. Conservation engineering
f. Conservation reserve enhancement program (CREP)
g. Crop insurance rebates for planting cover crops
h. Depth to bedrock standard
i. Drainage districts
j. Farmland Preservation and AEAs
k. Land and water conservation board (LWCB)
l. Livestock facility siting
m. Manure storage ordinances
n. Nutrient management
o. Producer-led watershed protection
p. Soil and water resources for counties
q. Soil health training and resources
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