Resource Details

Business, Education & Schools, Start-Up & Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurial Training Program; Entrepreneurial Training Program Grants

Through instruction, guest speakers and coaching, the Entrepreneurial Training Program (delivered by the Small Business Development Centers of the University of Wisconsin-Extension) is designed to help new business owners chart their course to success. It equally benefits existing business owners looking to improve or grow. The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation is offering qualified applicants Entrepreneurial Training Grants that cover most of the $1,000 course fee. The grant covers 75 percent of the tuition, reducing your cost to $250.


Grant recipients must meet attendance requirements and complete a business plan by six months after start of course, with the Small Business Development Center providing the course.

Top Benefits

  • Graduates of the ETP program are two times more likely to start a business as a result
  • Offers prospective business model testing and existing business model improvement

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