Resource Details

Parks & Outdoor Recreation, Sustainability

Wisconsin Coastal Grants ​Program

Wisconsin Coastal Manage​ment Program (WCMP) and its grants are dedicated to preserving and improving access to the natural and historic resources of Wisconsin's Great Lakes coasts.

WCMP Grants are available in the following categories:
Coastal wetland protection and habitat restoration
Nonpoint source pollution control
Coastal resource and community planning
Great Lakes education
Public access and historic preservation projects

The Wisconsin Department of Administration (DOA) administers WCMP Grants in collaboration with the Wisconsin Coastal Management Council (WCMC) and the Office for Coastal Management (OCM), U.S. Department of Commerce, through funding provided under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972.


The following principles guide the WCMP grant program:
1. Coastal management means achieving a balance between natural resource protection, preservation, and economic development.
2. All projects will be environmentally sustainable and respect ecosystem integrity.
3. All projects will protect, restore, or enhance coastal resources.
4. All projects must demonstrate a need for WCMP funding and that no other viable funding source exists.
5. All projects must identify measurable outcomes of the grant as part of the grant application and final report.
6. Community planning and educational projects, where appropriate, are encouraged to serve underrepresented communities and populations.
7. Educational projects that are appropriate for distribution (i.e., studies and curricula) must specify a distribution and marketing strategy.
8. Priority will be given to projects that demonstrate a high relative impact on coastal resources.
9. Any applicant that submits multiple applications must prioritize projects.

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