Resource Details


EPA Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI)

Agencies use their own mechanisms to announce grant opportunities that use GLRI funds.

EPA and its partner agencies agree on program and project priorities to implement the GLRI Action Plan. The money is appropriated to EPA, and EPA provides funding to other federal government agencies. In turn, those agencies (and EPA, too) use that money to fund restoration projects. Since the start of GLRI, EPA has provided more than half of the funds appropriated to its partner federal agencies.

All projects must support one of the GLRI focus areas:
Toxic Substances and Areas of Concern
Invasive Species
Nonpoint Source Pollution Impacts on Nearshore Health
Habitat and Species
Foundations for Future Restoration Actions


Agencies undertake projects themselves; they also fund projects performed by other entities such as:
local governments
nongovernmental organizations

Agencies that receive GLRI funds use several kinds of funding mechanisms, including:
interagency agreements
fund transfers
competitive grants
capacity-building grants

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