Resource Details

Health & Mental Health, Housing

Housing Opportunities For Persons With AIDS

Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), a program of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), is designed to provide eligible applicants with program and administrative resources for meeting the housing needs of persons with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or related diseases and their families. HOPWA funds may be used to assist all forms of housing designed to prevent homelessness including emergency housing, shared housing arrangements, apartments, single room occupancy (SRO) dwellings, and community residences. Appropriate services must be provided as a part of any HOPWA assisted housing, but HOPWA funds may also be used to provide services independent of any housing activity. Please see the HOPWA website:


Any non-profit organization or governmental housing agency is an eligible applicant. There are specific requirements for participation by religious organizations. The Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources administers the application and contract process, monitors the work of grant recipients and files required reports with HUD.

Top Benefits

  • Housing information services including counseling and referral to assist eligible persons to locate, acquire, finance and maintain housing.
  • Resource identification to establish, coordinate and develop housing assistance resources for eligible persons.
  • Acquisition, rehabilitation, conversion, lease and repair of facilities to provide housing and services and SRO or community residence new construction.
  • Project or tenant based rental assistance, including assistance for shared housing arrangements.
  • Short term rent, mortgage and utility payments to prevent the homelessness of tenants or mortgagers of dwellings.
  • Supportive services including, but not limited to health, mental health, assessment, permanent housing placement, drug and alcohol abuse treatment and counseling, day care, nutritional services, intensive care when required and assistance in gaining access to local State and Federal government benefits and services.
  • Technical assistance in establishing and operating a community residence.

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