Resource Details

Business, Economic Development, Workforce

Local Job Centers

Local Job Centers, a partner of the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, provide labor exchange services to both business and job seekers. To find your local Job Center, visit

Local Job Center staff are available to assist by providing the following information and services to job seekers:

• virtual workshops,
• job search assistance,
• individual and group career exploration,
• re-employment services to Unemployment Insurance claimants,
• labor market information and resources for employers and job seekers,
• job seeker resource rooms with computer access and staff assistance available,
• workshops to assist job seekers with resumes, interview techniques, and other work search skills, and
• technical assistance and liaison services to employers in recruitment and workforce retention planning.

In addition to the services above, Job Service staff can provide details and assistance with the following programs. These programs are available to assist job seekers and support employers.

• Migrant and Seasonal Farm Workers (MSFWs) Program
• Unemployment Insurance Re-Employment Services
• Wisconsin Works (W2)
• Food Share Employment Training (FSET)

Additionally, employers may contact their local Business Services Representative: to learn about what services the regional workforce system can provide your company.

Top Benefits

  • Sign-up for a virtual workshop to assist in resume writing, interviewing, job search tips, and more.
  • Contact your local Business Services Representative to learn about what services your regional workforce system can provide your company.
  • Connect with local workforce resources by contacting your local Job Service Director.
  • You can also access workforce resources at your local library.

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