Resource Details
Health & Mental Health
National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program (NADPRP)
The 2018 Farm Bill established the National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program to boost the nation’s efforts to keep high-consequence animal diseases from entering and spreading in the United States. This program allows APHIS to collaborate with animal health partners throughout the nation to implement high-value projects that enhance prevention, preparedness, detection, and response to the most damaging emerging and foreign animal diseases that threaten U.S. agriculture. The National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program is one of three programs that are supported through the 2018 Farm Bill Section 12101, Animal Disease Prevention and Management Program.
State departments of agriculture
Offices of the chief animal health official of a State
Land-Grant Universities and other entities eligible to receive funds under a capacity and infrastructure program (as defined in section 251(f)(1)(C) of the Department of Agriculture Reorganization Act of 1994 (7 U.S.C. 6971(f)(1)(C))). This includes entities eligible for the National Institute of Food and Agriculture Federal Assistance Programs
Colleges of veterinary medicine, including a veterinary emergency team at such college
State or national livestock producer organizations with direct and significant economic interest in livestock production
State emergency agencies
State, national, allied, or regional veterinary organizations or specialty boards recognized by the American Veterinary Medical Association
Indian Tribes
Federal agencies