Resource Details

Business, Technology

SBIR/STTR Matching Grant

The goal of the SBIR/STTR Matching Grant Program is to stimulate technological innovation by supporting technology-based small businesses in the state of Wisconsin. The program provides funds to technology-based businesses that qualify as a small business concern as defined by the SBA, located in or relocating to Wisconsin, by matching a portion of Phase I and/or Phase ll awards under the federal Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs provided through periodic competitions. The program will be administered by the Center for Technology Commercialization (CTC).


The federal SBIR program provides over $2.5 billion annually in grants from 11 federal agencies designed to help small businesses create and commercialize new innovations and technologies. The program consists of three phases:

• Phase I awards range from $100,000 to $225,000 to support feasibility study
• Phase II awards range from about $750,000 to $1,500,000 to support full research and development
• Phase III entails commercialization supported by funding outside of the federal program

Wisconsin businesses that are Phase I or Phase II recipients of federal SBIR/STTR funding may apply to CTC for a matching grant. Out-of-state businesses may apply for and receive funding contingent on the business relocating to Wisconsin within 90 days of receiving the matching grant funding.

Top Benefits

  • The SBIR/STTR Matching Grant program will provide award matches of 50% up to $75,000 of the amount of federal Phase I or up to $100,000 for up to two years for Phase II funding awards
  • Incentives and Available Funding (FY23): $1,500,000

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