Resource Details

Agriculture, Economic Development, Food & Beverage, Sustainability


Steward provides access to flexible financing and expert support services for agricultural businesses looking to scale their operations, improve the health of their lands, and bolster local food systems. But we don’t do it alone—our lending platform brings together a community of values-driven individuals who join in our mission by participating in loans that help fuel this growth. Steward is proud to be a Certified B Corp. Learn more, seek capital, or lend support at


Core lending criteria—
• U.S. business in good standing (LLC, Inc., or registered nonprofit)
• 3+ years of business revenue (or new operations with significant experience)
• Incorporate regenerative and sustainable practices (or transitioning)
• Securable assets (loan collateralized by land, equipment, inventory, etc.)

Top Benefits

  • Flexible Funding: We tailor your loan to your business's unique needs, making it easier for you to expand your revenue and profitability.
  • Stream-lined Process: Apply online and hear back from Steward's Farm Team in 1-3 business days if you are conditionally approved.
  • Online Application: Easy way to apply online any time, it takes ~ 20-30min.
  • Inclusive Lending: Mission-driven, supporting underserved groups and empowering communities.

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