Resource Details


The Fund for Lake Michigan

Lake Michigan is one of Wisconsin’s greatest assets, and its water is critical to the state’s future. The Fund for Lake Michigan is here to help sustain the Lake on behalf of the people and places that depend on it. Our goal is to have a deep, positive impact on the health of Lake Michigan and on the communities of Wisconsin, now and into the future.

The Fund for Lake Michigan gives priority to on-the-ground projects that have near-term, direct and quantifiable impacts on water quality in the Lake Michigan watershed. These projects include protecting critical natural habitats, reducing polluted runoff and generally making water resources more swimmable, fishable and drinkable. The Fund also supports water quality monitoring and planning that informs and leads to on-the-ground restoration and water-quality improvement projects. Special consideration is given to projects that leverage significant public and private investments from other Lake Michigan and Great Lakes donors.

The Fund typically does not support stand-alone advocacy efforts, general research projects, or education. The Fund may consider applied research projects that provide information important in advancing on-the-ground conservation or restoration. Similarly, education might be considered as a component of outreach plans embedded in larger projects.

The Fund accepts pre-proposals on a rolling basis throughout the year.


Eligible applicants include 501(c)3 non-profit organizations, local units of government, government agencies, tribes, universities and other educational institutions.

Geographically, Fund for Lake Michigan grants are targeted to the Lake Michigan shoreline, near shore areas and watersheds within the Lake Michigan basin in Wisconsin, with priority given to projects in Southeastern Wisconsin. The Fund for Lake Michigan will also consider a small number of grants outside the Lake Michigan watershed and within the Madison Gas and Electric’s service territory.

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