Resource Details


Wisconsin Conservation Engineering

The Conservation Engineering Section at the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) works closely with County Land Conservation Departments (LCDs), farmers/landowners, and other organizations. DATCP employs seven engineers and four environmental specialists, who are stationed in Madison and five regional field locations around the state.

County LCD staff provide the primary technical support for planning, designing and construction oversight when farmers undertake conservation projects with county assistance such as manure storage facilities, roof and barnyard runoff control systems, milking center waste systems, feed leachate runoff control systems, cropland erosion practices, and other Best Management Practices (BMPs).

The DATCP Conservation Engineering Section's role is to:
a. Help local staff plan, design, and install these practices and structures
b. Train LCD staff and work with them to become certified conservation engineering practitioners
c. Review and approve plans, develop and maintain BMPs and standards, and develop computer design aids and standard designs.
d. Provide technical support for DATCP's livestock siting and agricultural drainage district programs

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