Resource Details

Health & Mental Health, Sustainability

WI Environmental Certification, Licenses, Permits, and Regulation

Environmental certification, licenses, permits, and regulations, including:
Asbestos Company certification
Asbestos Inspector certification
Asbestos Inspector - Initial certification
Asbestos Management Planner - Initial certification
Asbestos Project Designer - Initial certification
Asbestos Supervisor certification
Asbestos Supervisor: Initial certification
Asbestos Training Course Accreditation of a training course
Asbestos Worker certification
Asbestos Worker: Initial certification
DHS Asbestos Project Notification Form F-00041 (certified or uncertified)
Exterior Asbestos Company Certification - Original
Exterior Asbestos Supervisor: Initial certification
Exterior Asbestos Worker: Initial certification
Lead (Pb) Abatement Worker certification
Lead (Pb) Hazard Investigator certification
Lead (Pb) Inspector certification
Lead (Pb) Principal Instructor certification approval
Lead (Pb) Sampling Technician certification
Lead Company certification
Lead Training Course Accreditation
Lead-Safe Renovator certification
Medical Licensing and Certification: X-Ray Services, Portable
Radioactive Materials Licensing - Renewal
Radioactive Materials Registration: Renewal
Regulations: Asbestos Management Planner
Regulations: Asbestos Principal Planner
Regulations: Asbestos Project Designer
X-Ray Device: Original registration
X-Ray Device: registration renewal

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