Resource Directory

Rural Economic Development


Whether you’re an individual, a business or a community organization, you can use the directory below to search a vast library of resources, tools and services. The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC), its economic development partners and other organizations around the state offer a range of resources on all aspects of economic well-being, from childcare and education to businesses and housing. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Reach out to us directly, we want to help.

Photo of the owner of J&J Sports in Lake Tomahawk.

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Success Story

Solving Jefferson County’s housing gap


ThriveED's goal is to earn the payback within two to three years of each project's construction, and then loan the ...Read more


Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants Program

Community Change Grants aim to benefit disadvantaged communities through projects that reduce pollution, increase community climate resilience, and build community ...Read more

Success Story

Forming a co-op for seeds

Farmers form cooperatives to buy and market products such as milk and grains, so why not band together to form ...Read more


Making connections to spark economic development

Jim Cleveland knows what it takes to bring businesses to a community, and he knows how a project can win ...Read more

Success Story

Adding infrastructure spurs development

If there is one thing the Lac Courte Oreilles (LCO) Band of Lake Superior Ojibwe has desperately needed, it is ...Read more

Support Organization


Health & Mental Health, Parks & Outdoor Recreation

Through interactions with horses, participants can receive insight into how they interact, communicate, and listen to others. Wellness is more ...Read more

Support Organization

Green Pastures Living


Seeing no one providing affordable independent senior housing in rural communities, Anne Michels created Green Pastures Living to solve this ...Read more

Success Story

The Vernon County Energy District aims for clean, locally generated power

The Vernon County Energy District is spreading the word about energy: how to conserve, how to go green, and most ...Read more

Success Story

Pastoral escapes

Annie Coleman had dreamed for years about opening a retreat center in rural Wisconsin—a place in the heart of nature ...Read more


Protected: New UW Extension Program to support innovation in the rural economy

Business, Start-Up & Entrepreneur

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Protected: Wisconsin Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure (RFSI) Program

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Success Story

Collaboration helps plug housing shortage in western Wisconsin

Energy, Housing, Sustainability, Workforce

Meeting the goal to build a 50-unit apartment building in downtown River Falls with affordable rents and load it with ...Read more

Success Story

Spring Green, Mazomanie vet clinics switch to cooperative ownership

Business, Start-Up & Entrepreneur

Forming a cooperative ensures local residents will have a veterinarian nearby to care for their dogs, cats, and other animals.


Welcoming communities resources

Arts & Culture, Other

Discover resources that demonstrate practical ideas for communities to create an environment that makes new residents feel welcome and included ...Read more


Trafffic Analysis & Design, Inc (TADI)


TADI specializes in solving the traffic and safety engineering needs of DOT, municipal and private clients throughout Wisconsin.

Support Organization

Trafffic Analysis & Design, Inc (TADI)


TADI specializes in solving the traffic and safety engineering needs of DOT, municipal and private clients throughout Wisconsin.

Success Story

Growing Lancaster aims to attract Latino families

Other, Workforce

To bring Latino families to Lancaster, the community knew it would need to make this cultural group feel welcome and ...Read more


Tourism Resources


Tourism introduces people to our state from across state lines and across the world. Communities that showcase and invest in ...Read more


Health Care Resources

Health & Mental Health

During public forums in 2020, hundreds of rural residents told the Governor’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Rural Prosperity that they ...Read more


Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

Energy, Sustainability

Focus on Energy is Wisconsin’s statewide energy efficiency and renewable resource program funded by the state’s investor-owned energy utilities and ...Read more