Resource Details

Education & Schools, Health & Mental Health, Housing, Sustainability

Lead Service Line Replacement

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, in collaboration with the Department of Administration and the Public Service Commission, established the Private Lead Service Line Replacement Program to assist municipalities in their efforts to replace private lead service lines. Private lead service line replacement can be accomplished through a municipally-bid contract or through a municipal program where the homeowners contract directly with a plumber/contractor from a prequalified list. For purposes of this funding, the private portion of a lead service line is defined as the portion between the curb stop and the normal connection point inside the building.


Any municipality that has reported private lead or galvanized service lines to the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin is eligible to apply. The funding can only be used for the cost of replacing private lead service lines that result in the full replacement of the lead service line for that property such as, residential properties (including multi-family buildings and buildings that contain both business and residential occupants); pre K-12 schools; and licensed/certified daycare centers. The program is not able to awards funds directly to individual homeowners.

Top Benefits

  • Removing lead service lines is one way to minimize the potential for lead to get into drinking water
  • Funding for lead service line replacements on private property will be awarded as principal forgiveness, which means no debt is incurred on behalf of the municipality for these funds.
  • The public portion of the service line is eligible for regular Safe Drinking Water Loan Program financial assistance.
  • There is a dedicated DNR loan project manager and a construction management engineer.

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