Resource Details
Parks & Outdoor Recreation
WI Hunter R3 (Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation) Grant Program
This program was developed to focus hunter training, development and education programs on adults, females and families. The primary purpose of the Hunter Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation (R3) grant program is to provide cost-sharing grants to local clubs, organizations, communities, governments, Wisconsin tribes, colleges, universities and technical schools to ensure the education, training and development of safe and ethical hunters and mentors with a preference towards applicants focusing on adults, females and families.
This grant program is administered as a reimbursement program.
Eligible applicants include:
Wisconsin counties, towns, villages, and cities
Wisconsin Universities, Colleges and Technical Schools
Other Wisconsin governmental units, as defined in s. 66.299, Wis. Stats.
Wisconsin Tribes
Wisconsin School Districts
Most, if not all, conservation organizations
Eligible costs include:
Salaries, wages, and benefits for employees
Consultation services
Purchased services (i.e., printing, mailing, room rental)
Other purchased services (i.e., Surveys)
Equipment: If you are purchasing equipment for the project, using equipment you already own or accepting donations of equipment use, please consult with Hunter Education and Shooting Sports grant manager for information on the equipment depreciation and hourly use policy.
Hourly equipment rental charges
Other: List costs that are needed to implement the project but are not captured in the items above
Related Resources
Wisconsin Coastal Grants Program
Wisconsin Department of Administration
Education & Schools, Parks & Outdoor Recreation, Sustainability
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